Chapiter Lodge


How to join

The process of Applying to join a lodge is a procedure that follows a time honoured process. It consists of:

  • You making it known to someone you know to be a Freemason that you are interested and may wish to join. Alternatively contacting a lodge and making it known that you are interested and may wish to join Freemasonry.
  • You will in both cases be contacted by the lodge who will want to meet you and discuss your background and reasons for wanting to become a Freemason. You will be provided with further information, usually in written form, which explains what Freemasonry is about and what is expected of you if you join.
  • You will have another meeting with some of the members of the lodge when you will have an opportunity of asking any questions you may have about joining and about Freemasonry in general. You will be asked if your family are happy for you to become a Freemason. The time commitments and cost involved in being a Freemason will also be explained to you.
  • If you are still interested in joining you will be asked to complete an application form on which you will be required to give your personal details and make certain declarations about your good standing in society. Before this form is submitted to the Lodge Secretary you will need a Proposer and Seconder to sign the form. They will be two of the members who have previously met with you who can confirm certain aspects of what they know about you.
  • Following receipt of the completed application form you will be formally interviewed by the lodge General Purposes Committee. If this interview is satisfactory the GPC will recommend to the Lodge that you should become a member.
  • The application for membership has to be read out in open lodge at a regular meeting and at the following meeting the members will ballot on whether or not to accept you as a member. If the application is satisfactorily approved the Secretary will arrange with you a date for your initiation.

This whole process can take between six months to a year and is designed to ensure that you really want to become a Freemason, that you know what it involves, and that the members of the lodge would be happy to have you as a member.

If you are interested in joining Chapiter Lodge no. 4677 please go to our CONTACT page.


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