Members of Chapiter Lodge come from a variety of business backgrounds and home locations and the senior members have been Freemasons for many years. Some belong to other Lodges in London and the Provinces, to Holy Royal Arch Chapter, and other Masonic Orders. Our membership therefore has a broad base of variety of backgrounds and experience which new members can benefit from. We have two international members and regularly welcome visiting Freemasons from abroad.
Some of the members study and research various aspects of Masonic history and the symbolism and meaning of our various ceremonies and rituals. One in particular W. Bro. Steve Smith regularly presents papers to other Lodges and Chapters and is a regular speaker under the banner of Capital Orations and is listed on Rosetta as a speaker. For someone who is interested in exploring these aspects of Freemasonry Chapiter is the ideal lodge to join.
Worshipful Master | W. Bro. S. J. Smith |
Immediate Past Master | W. Bro. A. Watts |
Senior Warden | Bro. R. Mawby |
Junior Warden | W. Bro. W. O’Connor |
Chaplain | Vacant |
Treasurer | Bro. Leonardo Zea-Reyes |
Secretary | W. Bro. G. Mawby |
Director of Ceremonies | W. Bro. A. Watts |
Mentor and Membership Officer | W. Bro. S. J. Smith |
Senior Deacon | W. Bro. W. W. Sheldon |
Junior Deacon | Bro. D. Kilworth |
Inner Guard | Bro. H. Rahman |
Tyler | W. Bro. A. Regesti |
Royal Arch Representative | W. Bro. A. Watts |
Steward | Bro. T. P. Dennis |
Organist | W. Bro. W. Warlow |