Chapiter Lodge



Chapiter Lodge are proud to be able to meet at such a prestigious and architecturally beautiful location as Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ, the home and headquarters of English Freemasonry. All of the Temples at Freemasons’ Hall which are used for regular lodge meetings provide an ambience befitting the beauty and solemnity of Masonic ceremonies.

A view of the Grand Temple at Freemason’s Hall

The Lodge is a Hall Stone Lodge and contributed funds in 1926 for the construction of the building which was completed in 1933. On 9 March 1982 it was listed a Grade II* building. The listing states: ‘Built as the “Masonic Peace Memorial Building” and a memorial to Freemasons killed in World War I.’

The memorial window and shrine
‘Peace through sacrifice’.

The Lodge’s name and number is listed on the walls to the First Vestibule on the first floor which is an assembly lobby for Brethren attending meetings in the Grand Temple. The lodge was awarded a Hall Stone Jewel for its contribution. This is always worn around the neck of the Worshipful Master at all formal lodge meetings and when visiting other lodges.


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